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We help cure your dog's boredom
And you choose the toys or treats you know your furry mate loves! Plus, the Tricky Treats dispenser will call your dog when it's time to fetch each surprise with a pre-recorded message from you!
Don’t make your furry mate wait, own this ingenious Aussie invention today.
With a 30 day money back guarantee, you can try and test our unit and get your dogs tick of approval during this time!

How does it work?
Is your dog naughty when you’re not home?
Does your dog get sad or suffer separation anxiety?
Does your dog get bored and then chew on your shoes or dig up your garden and retic or rip apart their bed?
Is your dog lonely and barking all day…making the neighbours unhappy?
Then you need a Tricky Treats!

Why is Tricky Treats pawfect for you?
- Increases fun and reduces boredom by enriching your home and yard with surprises every day.
- Helps reduce separation anxiety.
- The perfect distraction! More time focused on Tricky Treats means less time focused on naughty things like digging, barking or chewing...
- Reduces guilt and gives you peace of mind that your dog is happy and positively occupied when you're out.
- Stops your dog ever feeling sad or alone by delivering the toys and treats they love, everyday!
- It is affordable! How much will the next destruction cost due to your dog’s boredom?
- It works wonders, you can watch our customer videos and read testimonials below.
- It is very easy and fun to use. Watch our FAQ and “How to use Tricky Treats” videos.
- No more sad or guilty feelings when you can’t be together.
- It is inspired by an Aussie dog, Aussie designed and tested on Aussie dogs and 1 cat!
- Money back guarantee.
Make your lives happier with Tricky Treats
Say goodbye to guilty feelings!
Keep your dog guessing with playful or tasty surprises every day from our toy and treat dispenser.
Order Now Refer a FriendTestimonials
Wendy and Juno from Inglewood
Juno is a fashionable Floodle and loves to come shoe shopping with me. But when she can’t I know she had Tricky Treats at home to keep her occupied.
Suzy, Frankie and Penny from Doubleview
I’ve been wanting something like this for a long time. I work full time and wanted to be able to keep the dogs occupied throughout the day without them having the option to eat it all first thing in the morning! Tricky Treats is a fantastic idea! My dogs love to swing by regularly and check if any more treats have fallen!
Janine from Mullaloo
I bought Tricky Treats for Jenna our red Border Collie to keep her amused and hoped it would stop her digging holes….and it worked! Definitely worth buying, great investment. It gives your dog something to look forward to in their day.
Rebecca from Mt Lawley
My dogs Sheba and Samson (Beaglier and Cocker spaniel) go to the Tricky Treats as soon as they hear my voice and wait excitedly. I love it because each shelf is big enough for two treats to keep both our treat loving dogs happy. I’ve bought a second TT now so my fur family can have four exciting moments every day while we are both at work.
Joan from Noranda
Tricky Treats is fun to own. It’s innovative and exciting for me and Buddy. For a curious Jack Russell, it gives him a mystery to solve every day!
Samantha from Northlake
Our dogs Timmy (Labradoodle) and Lena (LabxWolfhound) are not ball orientated so Tricky Treats is a great solution to mix it up! I put different chews, Kongs, soft toys in it, change the times and keep my dogs guessing! When I know I’ll be stuck at work, I set the afternoon time late and fill it with some food just to keep them happy till I get home for a late dinner. Doing this makes me feel way less guilty. Best of all the timed release means they can’t guts all the treats straight away!

What is a Tricky Treats?
“Sometimes it’s a yummy treat other times it’s one of my favourite toys. I don’t feel lonely anymore as I have things to do that keep me healthy and happy every day”

Why is Tricky Treats so special?
“What I love about my Mum’s Tricky Treats is that I never know exactly when or what is arriving….making my time at home interesting and fun!”

How is a Tricky Treats dog happy?
“I used to spend a lot of my day checking the front gate, waiting for them to come home. Now I’m too busy because I have treats to eat and toys to play with!”